Costs to Prepare for with Ponies & Horses

It’s no secret, it’s not cheap and you probably won’t come out ahead when you compare dollars-to-dollars. BUT nothing will compare to the memories, lessons and opportunities the whole family will gain from getting involved. Expenses depend on the level you want to compete at. You can spend $500-$500,000 easily in this world.
A few expenses to be prepared for:
Time – your time is valuable, and you will spend a lot of time on the road, at events and in the practice pen when you commit
Entry fees – entry fees including additional livestock (calves, steers, goats, etc. will include a stock charge. Therefore, those fees will be a little higher)
Membership fees
Lessons & clinics
Horses & practice livestock
Feed, maintenance, care, facilities, etc.
Practice equipment – dummies, spur boards, ropes, strings, etc.
Western attire – cowboy boots, cowboy hat, long sleeve collared shirts, denim jeans
Gear –
Roughstock gear: saddles, bull ropes, cinches, vests, helmets, rosin, tape, special riding boots, spurs
Timed events- saddles, bits, headstalls, breast collars, protective leg gear, cinches, ropes, gloves strings, rosin, baby powder, rope bags, rope cans, practice cones, pop-up barrels, poles, etc.
Good insurance – let’s just say it’s better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
Trucks, trailers, tents, campers, vans – So many of the memories and relationships are built outside of the arena over long weekends. If you want the full experience, be prepared to find a way to stay overnight with everyone else.
With that comes with generators or electric hook ups, camping spots and stalls for your horses in places they won’t let you tie out
Overnight camping supplies, food, drinks, etc. times it’s listed, sometimes it’s not.