PARENTS: Preparing Children for the Path
Are you trying to prepare the path for your child or are you preparing them for the adventures, the obstacles, the mountains, the valleys, the relationships that they'll encounter in their lifetime?
The world is a beautiful place when we're prepared to handle it. Preparation doesn't come without lots of practice and you, as parents, get to provide the practice arena for life.
The place where they learn.
The place where they stumble.
The place where they recover.
The place where they grow.
The place where they break.
The place where they mend.
The place where they test their limits.
The place where they explore.
The place where they learn right from wrong.
The place where they get to try out new strategies.
The place where they get to make mistakes.
The place where they get to find our who they are.
The place where they get to help.
The place where they get to be encouraged.
The place where they get to be coached.
The place where they get to be mentored.
The place where they get to be loved no matter what.
The good Lord is the only one who knows their true path. He put them in your care to prepare them to walk their path and to walk beside them, but never to walk it FOR them. Be strong and let them.
Let them struggle.
Let them stumble.
Let them test their limits.
Let them try new things.
Let them dust themselves up.
Let them try again.
Let them push themselves to new levels.
Let them push themselves.
Let them dust themselves off.
Let them ask for help.
Let them dig deeper to accomplish their goals even when the path gets hard.
Let them persevere.
Let them become courageous.
Let them find faith.
Let them get determined.
Let them grit their teeth and try one more time.
Let them prepare for life.
Let them be independent.
Let them be risky.
Let them learn.
Let them grow.
Let them find themselves.
Let them prepare.
Even though it's uncomfortable, hard, frustrating and goes against you parental instincts, this is part of your path too! Do the uncomfortable thing today to reap the benefits of confident, independent, capable children in the future!